Collective Worship


St. Luke’s CE Primary school provides a journey to discover ‘life in all its fullness’. John 10:10. Where children flourish, are happy and succeed. Our distinct Christian values: friendship, love, trust, patience, forgiveness and respect are woven throughout the day, the learning, the gathering, the school.

 Our school is distinctive in character as a Church of England Primary School. Collective Worship emphasises the Christian way of life. A daily act of worship is led by the Headteacher, Deputy Headteachers, teachers, pupils our vicar and visitors. A daily prayer or reflection and Bible reading is included in this time.

Our Christian Values RESPECT, PATIENCE, LOVE, TRUST, FORGIVENESS and FRIENDSHIP are embedded into our school policies and practise.

Our focus within our worship allows us to explore our feelings, how they affect us and impact on our relationships with one another. We are taught as Christians to trust in God. When we feel unhappy or worried we can share this with Him, when we are happy and joyful we can thank God and share our feelings with Him.

We have adopted the Windows Mirrors Doors concept which we encourage as part of our daily collective worship:


Windows: Opportunities to look out on the world to gaze and wonder: The Wow and Ows moments. The things we find amazing and bring us up short. Encounter: The learning about life

Mirrors: Giving opportunities for children to reflect, to look inward to consider some of the big questions of life: To explore their own insights and those of others.
Reflection: The learning from.

Doors: Giving opportunities to children to respond, to do something to go through the door of a creative expression of their own thoughts and convictions. Transformation: The learning to live by putting into action what they believe.

Please click the link to read our Collective Worship Policy.

Our Christian Value Timetable 2023/2024: