
St. Luke’s CE Primary School

Where children flourish, are happy and succeed.   Living their life to the full.

Believe and Achieve

Working together to be happy; to flourish; to succeed

through our Christian Values of

friendship, love, patience, forgiveness, trust and respect

“I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” John 10:10

Our Christian Values


John 10:10

At St Luke’s we believe that children are at the heart of every decision we make and that they deserve the best possible life chances.

We achieve this through our distinct Christian values woven throughout the day, the learning, the gathering, the school.

As Christian leaders, we seek to support everyone’s wellbeing, both children and adults.

We offer space for reflection and spiritual renewal to experience the awe and wonder of life in our community, our world.


Curriculum Intent:

Our curriculum ensures excellent coverage of the National Curriculum (Years 1-6) and Foundation Stage Early Years Curriculum (Reception Children).  Our curriculum is planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has come before. The academic learning is underpinned by a strong emphasis on personal development and social skills so that children make and maintain healthy relationships with others. They learn responsibility and develop a sense of self so that they understand and value their place in the world and respect the same for others.  In developing our school curriculum, we acknowledged the fact that the culturally wider the knowledge base is, the more likely our pupils are to be empathetic to others.  This has framed the choices of the curriculum content we have made, particularly in aspects of the curriculum such as geography and history, and in consideration to the famous people we celebrate across school.

St Luke’s Teaching for Learning Philosophy

  1. Having a consistently high-quality learning culture, promoting consistently high standards
  • Start where they are
  • Engage and develop their social and emotional needs and experiences
  • Scaffolding learning – guided to make learning connections
  • Encourage a joy and love of language
  • Offer true breadth & balance of learning
  1. Accessible, calm and caring learning environment
  • Purposeful learning
  • Develop self-esteem and confidence in their abilities
  • Clear understanding of expectation to achieve!

      3. Live life to their utmost through independent learning and collaboration

  • able to apply skills for the future
  • understanding their role as a responsible person influencing their world now
  • see the future and are ready for it

Our curriculum has been designed to ensure each and every child, regardless of any barriers to learning, can ‘live life in all its fullness’ by offering stimulating learning experiences with Christian values at its heart.  We enrich our children’s time with memorable opportunities and experiences as set out in our ‘pupil offer’.    As a senior leadership team, we are committed to valuing children and staff alike through our support of their wellbeing and equality.

Curriculum Implementation

St Luke’s teaches a curriculum through a subject specific approach to learning that ensures coverage and enables pupils to make connections.  Our curriculum mapping acknowledges the short and long-term memory capacity of our pupils and is planned to allow pupils opportunities to retain, build upon and apply knowledge, skills and understanding over time.  Misconceptions are addressed where possible at the point of learning – direct feedback by the teacher to the pupil ensures that misconceptions are addressed to enable the learner to redirect their thoughts thereby clarifying any misunderstandings.  The curriculum is driven by the work of three subject development pods.  The Quest, Friendship and Truth pods meet regularly to focus on curriculum design, implementation, monitoring of impact and review of school provision.  Each of the pods is led and facilitated by a member of the senior leadership team and each pod also contains a balance of experience from within the staff team.  Our curriculum is focused upon ensuring that pupils are ready for the next stage of their education.  We recognise that we are preparing our pupils for lifelong learning and effective contribution to the society in which we live.

Reading is a key priority within our school curriculum.  We acknowledge that the explicit teaching of vocabulary and the development of pupil’s discrete word-reading skills and comprehension, and the need to engender their love of reading are essential for developing life-long readers and raising attainment.

Measuring Impact:

Assessment, recording and reporting

The success of the curriculum implementation will be determined by the extent to which the intended curriculum has been learnt (the degree and depth to which pupils learn and acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills set out to be taught) by all our pupils including disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND.

Currently, assessments are made for all pupils three times a year although ongoing formative assessment supports pupils throughout their teaching for learning cycle.  Assessment information is analysed by Subject Leaders, the Assessment Lead (DHT) and Headteacher as part of our monitoring cycle.  Pupil progress reviews are conducted termly with class teachers, the Assessment Lead and SENDCO.

Our monitoring cycle is set out at the beginning of each academic year. This identifies where monitoring for all year groups will take place and in which subject area.  Monitoring includes: book scrutiny, lesson observations and/or learning walks, pupil/parent and/or staff voice.  The information is gathered and reviewed and used to inform further curriculum developments and adaptation of provision where needed.  This process provides the SLT and Governors with an accurate understanding of the quality of education in our school.  Where the reading curriculum has been successful pupils will read widely across both fiction and non-fiction and will have established a love of reading that will set them up as readers for life, with all the accompanying benefits that follow.

Click here to view the National Curriculum.