Our Christian Vision
St. Luke’s CE Primary school provides a journey to discover ‘life in all its fullness’. John 10:10. Where children flourish, are happy and succeed. Our distinct Christian values: friendship, love, trust, patience, forgiveness and respect are woven throughout the day, the learning, the gathering, the school.
Our school vision and associated values are firmly rooted in Christian theology and teachings. St. Luke’s CE Primary school provides a journey to discover ‘life in all its fullness’. John 10:10. Where children flourish, are happy and succeed.
Our Christian vision is the modern-day trust deed of the purpose of our school and honours the gift of the building. Through our vision and practise we are living up to its foundation and enable all pupils and adults to flourish and grow without barriers.
In 1811, Joshua Watson established the National Society for promoting the education for the poor, following the principles of the church in England and Wales. In 1815, the National Society opened St Luke’s School on York Street in Heywood. In 1859, the school moved to Queen’s Park Road. In 1970, the first phase of the new St. Luke’s was built.
Our theologically rooted Christian vision meets the specific needs of our school community we aim to remove barriers so that everyone can flourish and live life in its fullest. By the time our pupils leave Year 6 we hope to have removed barriers and enabled our them to grow in faith and recognise the wider world as they continue their journey.
At St. Luke’s the children are at the heart of every decision we make to ensure that they are happy, confident and that the opportunities that are provided for them are relevant to their needs both now and in the future. We achieve this by providing an inspirational and creative curriculum, rich in opportunity and full of challenge.
The school has a dedicated team that works hard to reach high standards in everything we do and this is further embedded through our successful relationships with parents and the local community. As a school community, we are committed to nurturing and supporting aspirational and courageous individuals who live and work well with each other. Together, we share the vision of the importance of responsibility for each other within the love of God. We foster positive relationships between ourselves, humanity and the planet as created by God.
Our vision ensures that we provide a safe, happy and welcoming learning environment based on Christian principles, where we care for each other, grow and thrive together, follow our dreams and aspire for excellence in all that we do.
Individuals are given opportunities to recognise their self-worth and use their sense of belief and personal pride to allow them to achieve whatever they set their mind to. Learners are encouraged to use self-reflection and recognise their own successes as well as the achievements of others. Learners understand that they can accomplish their potential when working collaboratively with others. Our whole school community works together to inspire our family of learners to flourish academically, socially, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
We pride ourselves on our happy, friendly and caring atmosphere, as well as our strong Christian ethos, which underpins all that we do. We have excellent links with St. Luke’s Church and we endeavour to help all our children develop their understanding of the Christian faith.