Our Christian Vision
St. Luke’s CE Primary school provides a journey to discover ‘life in all its fullness’. John 10:10. Where children flourish, are happy and succeed. Our distinct Christian values: friendship, love, trust, patience, forgiveness and respect are woven throughout the day, the learning, the gathering, the school.
Our theologically rooted Christian vision meets the specific needs of our school community we aim to remove barriers so that everyone can flourish and live life in its fullest. By the time our pupils leave Year 6 we hope to have removed barriers and enabled our them to grow in faith and recognise the wider world as they continue their journey
At St. Luke’s the children are at the heart of every decision we make to ensure that they are happy, confident and that the opportunities that are provided for them are relevant to their needs both now and in the future. We achieve this by providing an inspirational and creative curriculum, rich in opportunity and full of challenge.
At St Luke’s, RHE is viewed as essential in preparing our pupils for their journey into adolescence and adulthood. We recognise that RHE is key to the personal, social, moral and spiritual development of our pupils.
RHE is lifelong learning about emotions, physical and mental health, wellbeing and understanding and establishing healthy relationships. However, we also recognise the vulnerability of our students in the community, including any negative relationships they may encounter, and the possibility of exploitation. All of these elements are fundamental to our ethos, enabling children to be happy, to flourish and to succeed. In addition, it also supports our children to thrive in life and work.
We are dedicated to enabling children to become happy, safe, independent and responsible members of society.
RHE and PSHE are taught explicitly in weekly curriculum lessons, which we have named ‘Learning For Life’. They are also imbedded in other areas of the curriculum including Science and RE, celebration/recognition dates, weekly assemblies and day-to-day life at St Luke’s.
Lessons are taught by familiar adults with whom they have a good rapport, and children are aware of rules in place for these lessons, in order to create a safe and secure environment facilitating constructive, supportive and impactful discussions. Teaching staff have received in- house CPD to ensure they are able to fully support and respond to the needs of individual pupils. If staff are unsure of any elements of their teaching or how to respond to the needs of an individual pupil, they know where to seek guidance and support.
Our RSE and PSHE curriculum follows the SCARF scheme of work which has been mapped out to ensure all the statutory elements of the curriculum are taught by the end of the primary phase. These are delivered at the appropriate stage for our children, taking into consideration the current cohort plus CHIMAT Data. Our curriculum, alongside our high expectations of behaviour, interpersonal relationships, tolerance and respect all reflect the British Values sustained in our school, our local community and the wider world. Together with our collective worship, celebration days/ weeks, high expectations and our Christian values, our progressive curriculum allows children to develop key skills to prepare for the wider world beyond primary school. Giving them the knowledge and skills to keep themselves safe, allow them to forge positive relationships and recognise unhealthy relationships and ultimately to flourish and succeed.
As well as the use of the SCARF scheme, PSHE AND RSE are also taught the EYFS curriculum. This supports the fundamental skills of the subject through planned opportunities for ‘Communication and Language’, ‘Personal, Social and Emotional Development’, ‘Physical Development’ and ‘Understanding the world.’
In both Reception and Year 1, in addition to direct teaching, continuous provision allows our children to build on and put into practice the skills taught throughout the curriculum. The carefully thought out provision allows children to acquire the social and emotional skills necessary for healthy psychological development.
By the end of their educational journey at St Luke’s, children will develop confidence and awareness, about themselves, others (including the protected characteristics) and relationships. They will be prepared for the physical and emotional changes they will endure during puberty and will be prepared for the challenges, responsibilities and opportunities they will face in adult life. The curriculum we offer, alongside aspects of the wider school, will have a positive impact on children’s health and wellbeing as well as giving them the knowledge and skills to recognise and support the health and wellbeing of others. We believe we can support children to become confident individuals who know how to keep themselves safe and healthy. We believe we can support children to show respect, tolerance and understanding of others. We believe we can support children to forge and maintain positive relationships, both now and in life beyond primary school.
Click the link below to view our RSHE and PSHE school blog page to see some examples of how our pupils flourish in RSHE and PSHE at St. Luke’s: