Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance
At St Luke’s CE Primary School, we are very proud to have achieved Stage One of the Inspiring IAG Primary Careers Award, which is nationally endorsed by the Quality in Careers Consortium, in recognition of our careers and aspiration work. We are currently in the process of completing Stage 2 in order to achieve the full award.
Overview of our CEIAG (Careers, education, information, advice and guidance) provision:
We pride ourselves on the careers provision at St Luke’s CE Primary School. We aim to provide every child with the knowledge, skills and confidence to support them with their chosen career aspiration in preparation for adulthood and lifelong career planning/management skills.
Through our broad and balanced curriculum and careers programme we aim to support and inspire children to achieve their ambitions and become well-rounded adults that are fully prepared for a purposeful and enriched life in the modern world.
We aim to embed the following key skills:
- Listening
- Presenting
- Problem Solving
- Creativity
- Staying Positive
- Aiming High
- Leadership
- Teamwork
Click here to read our Careers Related Learning Policy.