Nursery Information

*4th February Nursery Open Day 4pm

St. Luke’s CE Nursery

From September 2025 St. Luke’s CE Primary School is proud to be able to provide a warm and welcoming nursery provision for 3 and 4-year-olds.

Within our nursery we aim to develop your child’s confidence and build upon what they have learnt from you. Working with you and your family ensures that your child will enjoy a happy and educationally rewarding time at our Nursery.

At St. Luke’s we pride ourselves on our happy, friendly and caring atmosphere, as well as our strong Christian ethos, which underpins all that we do. We have excellent links with St. Luke’s Church and we endeavour to help all our children develop their understanding of the Christian faith.

Our Aims

  • Create an exciting and caring atmosphere where each child feels confident, happy and secure
  • Encourage both independence and the ability to understand and respect others.
  • Provide a broad and balanced range of experiences.
  • Motivate and challenge children to fulfil their potential.
  • Develop appropriate attitudes, skills, understanding and knowledge that will enable children to find out about the world in which they live.
  • Celebrate success.
  • Develop effective partnerships with parents/carers.

Nursery hours

Full time 8.50 am to 3.20pm

Mornings 8.50am to 11.50am

Afternoons 12.20pm to 3.20pm


Nursery Places

St. Luke’s is able to provide 26 full-time equivalent places within our nursery provision taught by a full-time teacher and a highly qualified teaching assistant.

Children are able to start once they turn 3 years old:

Children who turn 3 years old before 1st September can start in September.

Children who turn 3 years old before 1st January can start in January.

Children who turn 3 years old before the 1st April can start in April.


All 3 to 4-year-olds in England are entitled to 15 hours of free early education or childcare per week for 38 weeks of the year. Extra hours can be purchased if required.


You may be entitled to 30 hours funding for your child please click the link below to see if you meet the criteria:

You can apply for your child’s place at nursery by completing the application form here.  Or call into school for an application form.


 Breakfast and After School Club

We will also offer Breakfast and After School Club:

Breakfast Club opens at 7.45am £3.20 per day.

After School Club closes at 5.45pm £6.50 per day.


Nursery Visits

Prospective families are welcome to visit.  To arrange a visit please email:

Or phone the school:

01706 369443

Please note nursery children must re-apply for a school reception place via Rochdale Council admissions.  A place in our nursery does not guarantee a reception class place.