
During the school day and within P.E. lessons every child is challenged to excel and succeed in competitive and physically demanding activities. Our aim is to maintain and sustain periods where the children can be physically active. Our curriculum promotes personal, social, cognitive and creative skills which allow the child to become physically confident of their own ability. Whilst also promoting a healthy lifestyle and developing their fitness. The children will also be given the opportunities to compete in intra and inter competitions. We also encourage the children to celebrate their sporting successes outside of school.


Physical Education is recognised at St Luke’s and will be an experience where the children should be able to obtain physical skills, develop emotionally and have good health, within a safe and supportive environment. Throughout their physical journey the children will have access to a fun, high quality curriculum where they should aspire to succeed, excel and develop life skills. This may be in competitive sports or other physically demanding activities, like being able to swim and stay safe near water.

We adhere to follow the National Curriculum for Physical Education to ensure all children:

  • Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities.
  • Are physically active for sustained periods of times.
  • Engage in competitive sports and activities
  • Lead healthy and active lives

By providing a broad range of sporting activities our intention is to build a secure curriculum that enables children to acquire skills, knowledge and vocabulary, whilst they develop transferrable life skills like respect, fairness, values and tolerance. Our aim is to improve the wellbeing and fitness levels of all children at St Luke’s not just through the skills we teach but by reinforcing values and disciplines pe promotes.

Our P.E. scheme is ‘P.E. Passport’ which is designed for enjoyable, active and high-quality sessions, it is a child centered approach and allows children’s achievements in and out of school to be recorded and tracked throughout their physical years. The lessons are engaging and interactive for each year group and have clear, progressive learning objectives, with differentiated activities. This is intended to assist the children to obtain the skills by the end of each year to meet the end of Key Stage objectives.


Through a range of sporting activities and challenges, P.E. at St Luke’s is planned with the main focus of enjoyment. We also plan to challenge prior learning and assist children to construct secure knowledge and understanding as well as develop and improve their skills. This is through a range of different activities including, swimming, outdoor and adventurous, invasion games, net and wall games, strike and field games, gymnastics and dance. To ensure the National Curriculum requirements are fully met PE units from PE Passport are used throughout the year to set a long-term plan. The lessons are coherently planned, sequenced towards building knowledge and skills for the future. To meet the needs of all children, lessons are also planned to develop knowledge, refine skills and abilities, so children can apply what they know, can do and to increase their fluency and independence.

The children participate in two high quality PE lessons each week, where they will cover two sporting disciplines every half term. Children are encouraged to partake in a wide range of extra-curricular activities and lunch time sports are available each day. A wide range of sport after school clubs are also available for the children to attend throughout the year.

Our curriculum is further enhanced with a competitive sporting calendar. This is planned each year, which is packed with a range of events which aim to develop teamwork and leadership skills which the children very much enjoy. This endeavors to be an inclusive approach to not only encourage physical development but also mental well-being.

An invitation to become sport leaders is also offered to the children, where they are sporting role models for the younger children. They will assist with lunchtime clubs, sports day and any other sporting activities.

Children in Year 4 also swim once a week for seventeen weeks during the year. The children who do not complete the National requires for swimming by the end of Year 4, will also attend an intensive swimming program.


Children are taught through a curriculum designed to offer a variety of activities, where clear progression is evident in these, an in-depth understanding of PE, the ability to acquire new knowledge and skills exceptionally well.  Year on year children should deepen their understanding of pe and be introduced to specific vocabulary for each area, whilst also showing progression. In small groups, teams and alone the children should show willingness to practice skills in a wide range of activities and situations, to achieve exceptionally high levels of performance. In every lesson the children should show a willingness to participate eagerly, with a positive attitude and the ability to make informed choices.

The children are encouraged remain physically active for sustained periods of time, whilst promoting the importance of a healthy lifestyle and well-being. By the end of Year 6 children should have the ability to swim at least 25 metres and a good understanding of how to remain safe in and around water.

Intra and inter competitions and extra-curricular activities also provide the opportunity for the children to demonstrate their new skills. Our aim is for the children to become confident within different areas of PE and when they tackle new skills they show resilience. Emphasis is placed on the children instilling excellent sporting attitudes, improving on previous skills and motivating others.

We aim that every child will leave school with a love for sport and physical activity both in and out of school, which continues into later life. They will have their own aspirations in relation to PE and continue to participate for enjoyment or competitively. Well developed skills that reinforce life skills such as teamwork, sportsmanship, independence, resilience and self-motivation, also show the able to discuss the importance of a healthy lifestyle and know how to achieve this. Through the skills and knowledge acquired in PE we hope they will grow up to live happy and healthy lives.

Characteristics of PE

PE Overview

Progression and end points

Sports premium

Gold mark

Click the link below to view our PE school blog page to see some examples of how our pupils flourish in PE at St. Luke’s: